
COVID Crisis in Nairobi Assembly as Over 40 MCAs Test Positive

Nairobi Assembly Speaker Benson Mutura

Zero sooner had the Nairobi County Assembly resumed its sittings on Tuesday after a two-week recess than it adjourned legal proceeding chase a spike in Covid-19 cases.

In a statement on Tuesday, Speaker Benson Mutura same more than 40 members of the Assemblage had tested positive for the fatal virus.

Spell wiggly the motion to break up, Nairobi assembly Majority leader Abdi Guyo said atomic number 2 is ane of 35 MCAs WHO have well from the virus.

Atomic number 2 said four MCAs are hospitalised, two of whom are operational for their lives along oxygen support machines.

"One of my close friends told me He had contracted the virus, so that is how I ended up going away for a test. I shrunken Covid-19 about three weeks ago and, unluckily, whatever of my family members, including my wife, were pussy. However, we were all asymptomatic," Guyo said.

Majority Leader Abdi Guyo

Adding: "I don't see why people shy away from revealing their position. If you care about your loved ones and colleagues tell them if you have shrunken Covid. That mode they can take the incumbent measures to deal with it."

"I'm lucky enough to have a skillful friend who revealed to me his status and I acted immediately. That is why I'm now talking about information technology afterward being declared Covid-19 free happening Saturday."

The Matopeni/Springvalley MCA said the Assembly will now set aside its comprehensive sittings indefinitely cashbox the cases sink.

Unlike Guyo World Health Organization recovered without developing symptoms, Health committee chairwoman Peter Warutere said he had a encounter with end later he tested positivist for Covid-19 in India.

"We had tested negative for Covid about two weeks ago before leaving for India but when we arrived we started having some symptoms. I suspect we contracted the virus either on publicise or at the hotel we stayed in," said Warutere.

Roysambu MCA Peter Warutere

"Contracting Covid-19 in a alien land posterior easily vote down you because none of your loved ones is around to support you. My blood heat shot to almost 40," he added.

"Although I was low-level medication, I lost 7kg while I was in Republic of India within two weeks since  I could not eat because the food there is too spicy. Now I am eating a good deal to regain my destroyed weight."

The health chairman said He returned to Kenya on Monday after testing negative.

"I almost kissed death and all I can say is I'm lucky to be back location vital and Covid -19 free," Warutere said.

Piece suspending sittings, Speaker Benson Mutura said committees of the House can continue merging virtually just in case there is heavy business brought ahead them.

"I now propose to suspend Tuesday and Thursday sittings, and any other sittings as may bob up, ilk committees, will be cooked virtually. The clerk of the assembly is requested to facilitate all other committee meetings virtually," said Mr Mutura.


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