
What Color Of Feces Does Senna Cause

It'southward normal to go concerned if the shape, color, size, or consistency of your stool changes. This is specially true if the change is sudden or dramatic. The cause may be simple and otherwise harmless, or it may be a sign of something serious.

People living with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) are probable to pay attention to stool color, as the condition is characterized by changes in bowel movements and in the appearance of stools. Many other disorders also involve bowel changes, including inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and celiac disease.

This article explains which stool colors are normal and which are signs of a possible medical result. It also offers insights and tips specific to people with IBS, including how to describe and track abnormal changes in your stool.

Normal and Abnormal Colors

A "normal" stool tin can be a variety of different colors. With that said, the virtually common colors range from dark dark-brown to lite brown.

Different changes in stool color:

  • Green stools are ordinarily of no business organization and can be the upshot of foods in your diet or food coloring, or from bile if you are having green diarrhea and your intestines don't have time to pause information technology down.
  • Yellow stools may be a sign of excess fat in stools due to celiac disease or problems with your pancreas. It tin also be due to a parasitic infection chosen giardiasis.
  • Orange stools may be due to medications or diet, but may also be caused past a lack of bile or the malabsorption of bile due to IBS.
  • Clay-colored stools are often a sign of hepatitis or pancreatic disease.
  • Brilliant red stools may be a sign of haemorrhage in the lower intestinal tract.
  • Dark red or blackness stools may be a sign of upper abdominal tract bleeding.


Normal stools are usually a calorie-free dark-brown to nighttime chocolate-brown color. Call your md if you have dark-green, yellow, orangish, dirt-colored, bright red, dark red, or black stools. While at that place may exist a harmless explanation for this, the colors can also exist a sign of a serious health business organization.

Verywell / Jessica Olah

IBS and Stool Changes

By definition, irritable bowel syndrome involves a modify in stool advent. IBS stools can vary in advent based on whether you have constipation-predominant IBS (IBS-C), diarrhea-predominant IBS (IBS-D), or mixed-type IBS (IBS-Grand).

IBS stools can be:

  • Difficult, lumpy, and difficult to laissez passer
  • Soft, loose, and watery
  • Filled with mucus
  • Sparse and pencil-like

The type of IBS you have can make a difference in what your stool looks like. Doctors ofttimes describe these changes using the Bristol Stool Scale, which categorizes stools on a calibration of one to 7:

  • Type ane: Difficult, carve up pellets (severe IBS-C)
  • Blazon 2: Lumpy and sausage-like (mild IBS-C)
  • Type iii: Sausage-shaped with cracks (normal)
  • Type four: Smooth, soft, and sausage-like (normal)
  • Blazon 5: Soft blobs with lucent edges (mild IBS-D)
  • Type half-dozen: Mushy with ragged edges (moderate IBS-D)
  • Type 7: Watery with no solid pieces (severe IBS-D)

Monitoring Changes in Stools

If you have been diagnosed with IBS, you should check your stools weekly. That way, you lot can exist confident that you are monitoring your health while avoiding unnecessary stress and anxiety. If you cheque your stools as well frequently, y'all may encounter changes in colour, shape, or consistency that are not necessarily reflective of what is really going on with your wellness.

Minor changes may be due to drinking too much or too niggling fluid that day. Stools tin too change based on your nutrition, physical action, temperature, and other factors.

Checking too often tin make you lot hypersensitive to things that may or may non matter, in some cases placing y'all in a constant state of anxiety. And anxiety can pb to poor gut office and a potential worsening of IBS symptoms.


If y'all have IBS, you can monitor for changes in your condition by checking your stools weekly. Checking each and every bowel motility can cause undue anxiety over changes that may or may not be of import. The anxiety may also contribute to worsening symptoms.


Changes in the color or consistency of stools may mean nothing at all or be a sign of something serious. For people living with IBS, stool changes are often a fact of life, making information technology harder to discern when y'all should worry or non worry.

Equally a general rule, you should speak to your doctor if your stools are clay-colored, yellow, orangish, dark-green, brilliant red, night red, or black. These may be a sign of a serious medical condition that requires attention.

If y'all take IBS, the appearance of stools can vary based on whether you have IBS-D, IBS-C, or IBS-M. Although it is important to study any changes to your physician, checking each and every bowel movement rarely provides a articulate pic of your condition and may crusade unnecessary stress. Checking your stools in one case weekly is ordinarily enough.

A Word From Verywell

Having abnormal stools does not necessarily mean that you have IBS. Many other things can account for these changes. For example, orange stools can occur when yous take aluminum antacids, while mucusy stools may exist the effect of dehydration and constipation. On the far stop of the scale, pencil-similar stools may sometimes be a sign of colon cancer.

If you do accept odd changes in the color or appearance of your stools, you lot should neither panic nor ignore the signs. Instead, speak with your doc, who can order tests to notice out what exactly is going on.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is whitish poop normal?

    No. Pale, clay-colored, or white stool can be a sign of problems with the liver, pancreas, gallbladder, or the duct that secretes bile. If you have a fever, intestinal pain, or yellowing of the peel, seek emergency medical treatment.

  • Is a encarmine bowel motion very serious?

    Possibly. It may be the sign of a hemorrhoid or superficial tear most the anus, simply it could exist the first indication of something serious such as a tumor, infectious colitis, or inflammatory bowel disease. If yous're not sure of the cause, y'all should encounter your healthcare provider.

By Barbara Bolen, PhD
Barbara Bolen, PhD, is a licensed clinical psychologist and health coach. She has written multiple books focused on living with irritable bowel syndrome.

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