
What Color Amethyst Is Good For Astrology?

zodiac gemstones astrology birthstones and numerology

What are Zodiac Birthstones?

Zodiac gemstones are also known every bit Astral stones. The discussion Astral is derived from Astrology and has been an important role of holistic beliefs for centuries. Astrology is non a scientific discipline, but was created originally as a method for telling time. Information technology is used to tell us when one fourth dimension has passed and also to let u.s.a. know when another is coming, essentially acting as the calendar for the universe.

These periods of fourth dimension are divided into twelve sections, which are believed to represent the twelve tribes of Israel in the book of Exodus. Each section, or Zodiac sign is associated with a particular gemstone. The idea is that your Astrological sign is linked to a gemstone on world that enables the wearer to tap into his or her hidden ability. Gemstones too have holistic meanings and healing characteristics to benefit the mind and body.

Difference Between Zodiac Birthstones and Modern Birthstones

Zodiac birthstones, which are based on astrological signs tin be different from Modern Birthstones, which are related to the calendar nascence month. Our nowadays calendar month organization was not known at the time of Exodus, and it wasn't until 1912 that a more standardized version of gemstones was introduced by the Jewelers of America. This listing is now followed throughout most of the world. Ultimately, the pick of astrological or modernistic birthstone is a affair of personal belief and faith. Experts say: "The best way to assign a rock is to observe the one that talks to you lot."

Many people believe that wearing the gemstone assigned to your nascency month brings good luck and is a charm that carries protective powers. Let'south accept a await at some of the various gemstones and methods to determine which gemstone is perfect for you.

Beneath nosotros offering a list of the Zodiac signs and the dates associated with them equally well as the assigned gemstone. Y'all may determine to choose your Zodiac gemstone or your birth month stone, or both!

Zodiac Birthstones Chart

Zodiac Birthstones Chart

Birthstones past Zodiac Sign

Aquarius Zodiac Rock: Garnet

Jan 21 - Feb 18

Garnet: Friendly and humanitarian, honest and loyal, original and inventive, independent and intellectual.  Intractable and contrary, perverse and unpredictable, unemotional and discrete.

Learn more than most Garnet

Pisces Zodiac Stone: Amethyst

Feb 19 - Mar twenty

Amethyst: Imaginative and sensitive, compassionate and kind, selfless and unworldly, intuitive and sympathetic. Escapist and idealistic, secretive and vague, weak-willed and hands led.
Learn more than about Amethyst

Buy Amethyst Online

Aries Zodiac Rock: Bloodstone

Mar 21- Apr 20

Bloodstone: Adventurous and energetic, pioneering and mettlesome, enthusiastic and confident, dynamic and quick-witted.  Selfish and quick-tempered, impulsive and impatient.

Click here to larn more than about Bloodstone.

Taurus Zodiac Stone: Sapphire

Apr 21 - May 21

Sapphire: Patient and reliable, warmhearted and loving, persistent and determined, placid and security loving. Jealous and possessive, resentful and inflexible, self-indulgent and greedy.

Learn more about Sapphire

Gemini Zodiac Stone: Agate

May 22 - Jun 21

Agate: Adaptable and versatile, communicative and witty, intellectual and eloquent, youthful and lively. Nervous and tense, superficial and inconsistent, cunning and inquisitive.

Acquire more near Agate

Cancer Zodiac Stone: Emerald

Jun 22 - Jul 22

Emerald: Emotional and loving, intuitive and imaginative, shrewd and cautious, protective and sympathetic. Changeable and moody, overemotional and touchy, clinging and unable to permit go.

Larn more than about Emerald

Leo Zodiac Stone: Onyx

Jul 23 - Aug 23

Onyx: Generous and warmhearted, creative and enthusiastic, broad-minded and expansive, faithful and loving. Pompous and patronizing, bossy and interfering, dogmatic and intolerant.
Onyx Learn more than virtually Onyx

Virgo Zodiac Stone: Carnelian

Aug 24 - Sept 22

Carnelian: Minor and shy, meticulous and reliable, applied and diligent, intelligent and belittling. Fussy and a worrier, overcritical and harsh, perfectionist and conservative.
Learn more about Carnelian

Libra Zodiac Stone: Chrysolite

Sept 23 - October 23

Chrysolite: Diplomatic and urbane, romantic and mannerly , easygoing and sociable , idealistic and peaceable. Indecisive and changeable, gullible and easily influenced, flirtatious and self-indulgent.
Peridot Chrysolite

Scorpio Zodiac Stone: Beryl

Oct 24 - Nov 22

Beryl: Determined and forceful, emotional and intuitive, powerful and passionate, heady and magnetic. Jealous and resentful, compulsive and obsessive, secretive and obstinate.

Sagittarius Zodiac Stone: Citrine

Nov 23 - December 21

Citrine: Optimistic and freedom-loving, jovial and practiced-humored, honest and straightforward, intellectual and philosophical. Blindly optimistic and careless, irresponsible and superficial, tactless and restless.

Acquire more about Citrine

Capricorn Zodiac Rock: Ruby

December 22 - Jan xx

Ruby: Practical and prudent, ambitious and disciplined, patient and careful, humorous and reserved. Pessimistic and fatalistic, miserly and grudging.

Learn more than about Ruby

Modernistic Birthstones by Month

Each month has ane or more than gemstones associated with it. We will go over the birthstones for each month. The beloved of gemstones are selected many times due to birth month.

January Birthstone - Garnet

Garnet is a beautiful gemstone and is designated equally the January Birthstone. Garnet is traditionally thought of as a burgundy red colored gemstone. In that location are and so many unlike varieties of Garnet that information technology is really bachelor in nearly every color. From yellow to night brownish, at that place are many types of Garnet; some semi precious and some and then very precious they are collectable and known by few. Some of the near cute gems in the earth are garnets. Then for those who thought a Garnet is common, well information technology is not. Garnet is one of the well-nigh cute and collectable gems on the market place.

This rock is likewise given as a present for 2nd Wedding Anniversaries.

Learn more about the January birthstone, Garnet

February Birthstone - Amethyst

Amethyst is a semi precious gemstone which is available in colors ranging from a calorie-free lavender rose color to well-nigh a imperial blackness. Amethyst is the February Birthstone and is besides given as a gift for the 6th wedding ceremony anniversary. Amethyst is from the quartz family and can be found all over the earth. The most prized Amethyst at one time came from Russia. Today the Russian mines do non produce the famed Siberian Amethyst since the mines have been depleted for many years. Africa is a leading supplier of beautiful Amethyst today with rich Majestic gemstones offering pink and ruddy hues. Uruguay is also another famous Amethyst producing region where the colors tin accept an electrical blueish wink.

Amethyst is believed to induce peace, tranquillity and temperance in you lot, plus information technology volition restrict sensual and alcoholic intoxication, which may be practiced or bad. Amethyst is said to improve your skin and hair, and prevent baldness.

Learn more most the Feb birthstone, Amethyst

March Birthstones - Aquamarine & Bloodstone

Aquamarine is considered a precious gem from the Beryl Family same family as the Emerald. This gem comes in a variety of Translucent/clear to Beautiful light body of water blue/green colors. Bloodstone is green with cherry-red spots cut in cabochons form most of the the time but in high quality from tin be plant in faceted gemstones and is from the Chalcedony Quartz family. In the Middle Ages the red spots were thought to be the blood of Jesus and the rock was believed to have miraculous powers.

Bloodstone & Aquamarine have the attributes of good wellness, love, youthfulness, and hope. Sailors believe in its protection. These stones are ordinarily given as a gift for a 19th Wedding Ceremony souvenir.

Learn more almost the March birthstone, Aquamarine & Bloodstone

April Birthstone - Diamond

Diamond is 1 of the near precious gems found on Earth. The hardest gemstone and used in many types of Technology other than Jewelry. Diamonds come in a multifariousness of colors from White / transparent to Black. April's rock the diamond is too believed to heal and are traditionally linked to love, and both endure forever because of diamond's eternal strength.

The Diamond is traditionally given every bit a gift on the 10th Wedding Anniversary and 60th Hymeneals Anniversary as a gift.

Learn more about the April birthstone, Diamond

May Birthstone - Emerald

Emerald is another precious gemstone loved by many around the world. Some of the most beautiful Emerald comes from Columbia. May's green emerald is a symbol of rebirth, renewed youth and proficient fortune. Emeralds are believed to cure you of bad wellness, healing a variety of illnesses and insuring practiced health for the wearer. Besides, information technology was believed that the wearer of emerald could see into the hereafter.

The Emerald is given on the 20th and 35th Wedding Anniversary as a gift.

Learn more about the May birthstone, Emerald

June Birthstones - Pearl, Alexandrite & Moonstone

Ancient peoples believed the moonstone changed with the phases of the Moon. The pearl is associated with chastity and modesty. Stable marriages are said to be the result of pearls.

The Pearl is given on the 30th Wedding Anniversary as a gift.

Acquire more about the June birthstone, Pearl, Alexandrite & Moonstone

July Birthstone - Ruddy

Ruddy is a precious gemstone found in many parts of the World. Some of the nigh cute Reddish is from Burma. The Burmese carmine has been a favorite for hundreds of years. It has been exported all around the globe. Today Most ruby is mined in Africa. Scarlet is believed to be endowed with sacred powers by ancient Hindus, and is associated with royalty and power. Rubies will bring harmony of life to the wearer, so i can expect a peaceful life when wearing this stone.

The Ruby is given on the 15th, 40th and 80th Wedding Anniversary.

Learn more most the July birthstone, Ruby

August Birthstone - Peridot

Peridot comes in many beautiful shades of green. It is one of few gems that is never treated for colour in any way. Mined around the world some of the well-nigh cute Peridot comes from Asia and Islamic republic of pakistan. Peridot is believed to protect those who wear information technology from evil, especially from the forces of darkness. It can also increment the healing power of medicinal drugs. Ancient Egyptians associated the gemstone Peridot with the dominicus.

The Peridot Gem is given on 16th Hymeneals Anniversary as a gift.

Acquire more about the Baronial birthstone, Peridot

September Birthstone - Sapphire & Lapis Lazuli

Sapphire and Lapis Lazuli are very different gems, Sapphire some other Precious jewel available in a range of all colors from Clear/Transparent to Black. Many people practise non realize sapphires also comes in white, xanthous, crimson, green, orange and other shades other than Bluish! Lapis Lazuli a semiprecious jewel mainly establish in a Cabochon class is very unique in color, each stone has a color like no other in a combination of blue, black and gold.

Since the Center Ages many people take given tribute to the sapphire due to both medical and spiritual healing properties. It is also said Faith and purity volition come to those who wear this stone. Information technology is besides said this precious stone gives the wearer useful foresight into the future.

The Sapphire precious stone is given on the fifth, 45th, and 70th Wedding Anniversary as a gift.

Learn more most the September birthstone, Sapphire

October Birthstones - Opal and Tourmaline

Opal comes in many varieties with values ranging from very petty to Thousands of Dollars, Opal is a very popular precious stone today since many no longer believe it back luck to vesture the gem if it is not your birthstone.

Tourmaline is a precious precious stone which comes in a rainbow of colors and can also range in cost depending on the blazon type of Tourmaline bought. Oct'due south opal wards off evil and nightmares. Opals are stones of hope and bringers of the virtues of innocence and purity. Opals stimulate healing and increment friendship and healthful emotions.

Acquire more about the October birthstone, Opal & Tourmaline

November Birthstones - Citrine and Topaz

Citrine is a Semi precious gemstone belonging to the Quartz family. Citrine comes in a variety of shades from very light xanthous to a deep Wine colored burnt orange color. The most desired Citrine is the Madeira Citrine a deep burnt orangish color rich and total beauty! Citrine is believed to conduct magical healing powers through the power of healing and preserving ane'southward sanity. The rock is associated with life and strength of trunk and heed. It was once thought that the wearer would become invisible when danger was well-nigh.

The Citrine gem is given on the 13th Nuptials Ceremony as a souvenir.

Learn more than nigh the November birthstone, Citrine & Topaz

December Birthstones - Turquoise & Tanzanite

Turquoise is a very unique gemstone, usually cutting in a cabochon form and opaque significant the gem is not transparent. The jewel comes in a diverseness of shades of blue, blue & blackness, and also a blue/greenish with blackness. The precious stone tin can be very costly. Navajo people believed turquoise stones were pieces of the sky that had fallen to Earth. Turquoise is also supposed to brings adept fortune, good luck, and a happy life—All things everybody wants! The Turquoise gem is given on the 11th Anniversary as a souvenir.

Learn more most the December birthstone, Turquoise & Tanzanite

Gemstones Co-ordinate to Numerology

Gemstones tin also be selected according to a Numerology nautical chart. Numerology is a science of numbers which dates back to ancient cultures. Numerologists believe that every number responds to information technology's own unique energy source. They believe that when you wearable a gemstone associated with your personal number, you will be able to tap into your hidden inner free energy.

To notice out what number represents your life path, us the following calculation beneath. This will tell you your stone based on your life path number according to numerology.

  1. Add together the numbers from your solar day of birth: 10 = 1+0= one

  2. Add the numbers from your calendar month of nativity: 11= i+1= two

  3. Add the numbers from your year of Nascency: 1970=i+nine+seven+0= 17

  4. Add the results of the final numbers for the day, calendar month and year of birth: 1+2+17= 20

  5. If the terminal number is equanimous of 2 digits reduce by adding them. This is your life path number: ii+0= two

Notice Your Numerology Stone



Bones Signification



Courage and Strength


Rutilated Quartz

Security, Affairs, Self-Conviction



Communication and Creativity


Green Quartz (Aventurine)

Balance, Stability, Well Existence



Peace, Backbone and Tolerance


Blue Quartz

Harmony and Light



Inner Light and Spirituality



Textile Success, Self-Conviction and Intellectuality


Rose Quartz

Unconditional Dear and Friendship

Whatever method you use to detect the gemstone or stones that are right for you, the gift of these cute stones in your life may very well surprise you lot!



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