
How To Change The Color Of A Graphic In Word

Specifying Colors in a Chart

Equally Microsoft Graph displays your data in a graphic format, information technology automatically selects colors for each of the information serial (rows of data) it charts. The palette from which you can select your colors consists of 56 choices. To change colors, follow these steps:

  1. Brand certain your nautical chart is visible on the screen and you have selected information technology. (Y'all do this by clicking on the chart.)
  2. Select a data series by clicking your mouse on the graphic representation of that serial. For instance, if your data is displayed equally a column chart, click on the column that represents the serial whose color you want to change.
  3. Choose Selected Data Series from the Format carte. Microsoft Graph displays the Format dialog box for the selected item. The Patterns tab should be selected. (See Figure ane.)
  4. Figure i. The Format Information Serial dialog box

  5. In the Expanse portion of the dialog box you lot can select the color you want to utilize for the bodily data series.
  6. Using the Colour pull-downward list, you can select a colour yous want to use for the outline border of the data series.
  7. Click on OK.

WordTips is your source for price-effective Microsoft Word grooming. (Microsoft Give-and-take is the about popular give-and-take processing software in the globe.) This tip (685) applies to Microsoft Discussion 97, 2000, 2002, and 2003.

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